FUTURE TENSE is a crime novel of near-future dystopia written by Hugh Cornwell. Published 8th October 2020. Find out more about the novel (PDF).
The www.mrdemillefm.com July Podcasts will be:
06/07/20 – Nic Roeg: this program, narrated by Franc Roddam, looks at the illustrious career of director, Nic Roeg.
16/07/20 – Fred Armisen: In this interview Fred Armisen, creator of Portlandia and star of Saturday Night Live, shares his beginnings and favourite film music.
26/07/20 – Karen Black: In this episode we look at the celebrated work of Karen Black, the doyenne of independent film.
To be informed when new podcasts / YouTube trailers are added, follow @MrDeMilleFM on twitter or subscribe to the MrDeMilleFM podcasts on the website of your favourite platform.
Stone Valley South
Hugh’s band performance at the Stone Valley South Festival has moved to 29 May next year (2021) – details on the live dates page.
The www.mrdemillefm.com June Podcasts will be:
06/06/20 – Girls’ Name: This show looks at some of the outstanding films that have been made with girl’s first names as the title.
16/06/20 – John Collee: This interview is with John Collee, screenwriter of ‘Master And Commander’ and ‘Happy Feet’. He reveals a fascinating background as a doctor and novelist.
26/06/20 – Marx Brothers: This show relates to the story of the most successful comedy act of all time. Harpo, Chico, Zeppo and Groucho. The four brothers called Marx.
To be informed when new podcasts / YouTube trailers are added, follow @MrDeMilleFM on twitter or subscribe to the MrDeMilleFM podcasts on the website of your favourite platform.
The www.mrdemillefm.com May Podcasts will be:
06/05/20 – Hugo Haas: a look at the career of Hugo Haas, Hollywood’s first true cinema auteur.
16/05/20 – Ken Loach: in this interview Ken Loach speaks of his beginnings in television and shares his inspirations and favourite movies.
26/05/20 – Patricia Highsmith: this episode traces the adaptations of Patricia Highsmith, one of the most filmed thriller writers of all time.
To be informed when new podcasts / YouTube trailers are added, follow @MrDeMilleFM on twitter or subscribe to the MrDeMilleFM podcasts on the website of your favourite platform.